Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 16:11 on 27 September 2019 by Prof. Oliver Muensterer. The general assembly (GA) quorum is determined to be sufficient. Rainer Sauer is nominated to be meeting manager. Tutku Soyer is nominated as secretary of the minutes. The Minutes will need translation into German for submission to apply for registration of the organization..

The attendance list was distributed with members signing the list (see attached list). These are the founding members of PAAFIS e.V..

Final agenda was voted upon and adopted as distributed by prior email (agenda dated 12 August 2019).

1. Presentation of the organization of the association.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Muensterer presented the history of PAAFIS. The 1st meeting took place in Mainz in 2015. This is now the 5th meeting of PAAFIS. The purpose of PAAFIS is to get together all professionals interested in the foregut to discuss key features of problems from different perspectives. This is an opportunity for shared experience. There is a plan to continue yearly meetings with the next meeting being planned for Ankara in 2020. New York in 2021 then back to Mainz and then a further location to be decided in the future.

The group will be available for discussion of complex problems, drawing on the collective knowledge of the group. Telemedicine may be a means to help connect providers worldwide to exchange information to provide better care. Rainer Sauer discussed special tax privilege of PAAFIS where donations may be used for tax benefits in certain countries.

2. Presentation of statues of the organizations

Prof Muensterer read the statutes of the organization. (see attachment). A yearly membership fee of 20 Euros is proposed for natural entities and adapted by the general assembly. Membership fees for legal entities (companies) will be determined in the future.

There was a discussion about the make-up of the Executive Board. The 1st and 2nd chairs are financially responsible for the welfare of the organization. It was decided that the chair and vice chair would have independent veto power over the executive board decision. Executive board meetings could be held using electronic means in addition to attendance in person.

General assembly meetings may and should be held at the location of the annual meeting. The General assembly votes on statues of the organization.

3. Elections

Prof Muensterer was nominated for the 1st chairperson by Rainer Sauer. Majority election by the general assembly 25 agree, 0 disagree and 1 abstain. Prof Muensterer is elected as 1st chairperson of PAAFIS e.V..

For second chairperson, Prof. Muensterer nominates Prof Ciecierega. Voting confirmed by general assembly 25 agree, 0 disagree and 1 abstain. Prof Ciecierega is elected as 2nd chairperson of PAAFIS e.V..

The executive board nominates Prof. Neelsh Tipnis as treasurer: General assembly confirms, 25 agree, 0 disagree and 1 abstain. The executive board nominates Prof Tutku Soyer as secretary. General assembly confirms 25 agree, 0 disagree and 1 abstain. The executive board nominates Prof Çiğdem Ulukaya Durakbaşa as counselor at large. General assembly confirms 25 agree, 0 disagree and 1 abstain.

4. Chair asks for meeting agenda additions. None are proposed.

The chair adjourns the meeting at 19:25 on 27 September 2019.